Point Reduction
If you received a citation in a county that has authorized the Fine Collection Center (FCC) to approve driving improvement program and you choose to take a course to avoid having points assessed on your driving record, you will automatically be approved to take the course once you plea guilty and pay your fine and all associated fees to the FCC. (Program not available for violations committed in commercial vehicles or for drivers who have a Missouri or other states CDL).
If you received a citation in a county that does not authorize FCC to approve DIP and you want to take a DIP course, you will need to enter a not guilty plea to the Fine Collection Center first. Once the FCC receives your not guilty plea they will send your citation to the prosecuting attorney in the county that you received the citation. You will receive a court date when the citation is filed with the court. If you plead guilty at the court, based on your case, the court will make a decision to either allow you to take a DIP course or not. To find out more details about local policies regarding DIP, it is best to contact the court you received your citation from.
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