Course Details
The Missouri driver improvement course is separated into 4 sections and has a short quiz at the end of each section. These quizzes prepare you for the required final exam. You can review previously completed sections at any time, and all tests are open book. You must score at least 80% on the final exam in order to pass. If you don’t pass the first time, you can retake the final exam as many times as you need without having to pay again. And with our Pay Later option you can start the course now before making payment.
Once you successfully complete the driver improvement course, we will mail you the driver improvement completion form 4444 as required by the DOR. If your citation is pending at the court, you will present this form to either the judge or to your attorney. If you plead guilty and paid your fine and all associated fees to the FCC, you will need to mail this form directly to the Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR), Driver License Bureau, P.O. Box 200, Jefferson City, MO 65105. If you are in a hurry and need your completion form right away, choose our FedEx Priority Mail delivery option and get it before 10:30am the next business day.* And remember is the only online traffic school where you can win FREE traffic school.
* Please refer to our complete terms for details.
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